Author: Cathy Asbury

Home / Articles posted by Cathy Asbury

Have you ever felt that when Christmas comes around that you’re just not ready? Of all the liturgical seasons of the year, Advent is certainly the most stressful, and it may be the most confusing. Catholics seem to have a good grasp of Christmas, Lent, and Easter. But what is the deeper meaning of Advent? And how can understanding this season help us better prepare for Christmas?

In this series, Dr. Brant Pitre shows how a deeper understanding of the ancient Jewish prophecies of the Messiah can help unlock the hidden meanings of the season of Advent. In this close study of the Sunday readings from the Advent lectionary, you will learn about:

• (November 24) The Second Advent at the End of Time: What will happen at the end of time? And why does Advent begin with end-time prophecies about the Tribulation, the Final Judgment, and the second coming of Christ?

• (December 1) Jewish Prophecies of the Messiah: How do Catholics know that Jesus is truly the Messiah and not just one more religious leader? What are the most important Old Testament prophecies about the first “coming” of the Messiah?

• (December 8) John the Baptist: Who was the mysterious figure of John the Baptist? Why did Jesus call him the greatest of all the prophets, and why does the Church spend so much time on him during the Advent season?

• (December 15) The Jesse Tree: What are the Jewish roots of the Advent custom of the Jesse tree? Where does this tree come from in the Jewish Bible?

• (December 22) The City of Bethlehem: Ancient Jewish prophecy foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Why? What is the Hebrew meaning of Jesus’ Nativity?

• (December 29) The Virgin Birth: Why was Jesus born of a Virgin? How did the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph react to the news? What should Catholics say to those who are skeptical about this great miracle? And what does it mean for our lives as Christians?

In addition to the lectures on these topics, this set contains as a bonus Dr. Pitre’s extensive question and answer sessions given during this Advent mission. If you’ve ever wanted to be more spiritually prepared to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas, then Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Advent is the Bible study for you.

Father Bryan is leading this study in Holy Child Hall following 11:15 am Sunday Masses.

Light refreshments served.

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