The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are the foundation of our faith. No part of the Bible has been more attacked and subjected to criticism than the Gospels. Dr. Brant Pitre answers: Who wrote the Gospels? When were the Gospels written? What did the Church Fathers believe? What do modern scholars believe? Dr. Pitre also takes us through the ‘portraits’ of Jesus found in each Gospel: Messiah, Rabbi, The New Moses, Miracle Worker, Exorcist, Suffering Son of Man, Son of Mary, Savior, The New Adam, Son of God, New Temple, and Bridegroom. Please join us! Refreshments provided.
Father Bryan is leading this study in Holy Child Hall following 11:15 am Sunday Masses beginning January 19th. For future dates, please stay tuned to the bulletin.
Light refreshments served.